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2022-09-06 18:38:08


中国石化新闻网讯 据油气技术9月17日消息称,马格马全球公司宣布已与壳牌全球解决方案国际有限公司签署合同,以开发并鉴定一种适用于零下196摄氏度低温应用的柔性单聚合物复合材料(SPC)管道。马格马公司以其高精度激光制造能力和在油气服务复合管开发鉴定方面的经验而入选。低温柔性将适用于许多应用,包括壳牌的旗舰管道油泵低成本液化天然气卸载系统。


马格马全球公司首席执行官Martin Jones表示:“液化天然气正受到能源运营商的欢迎,但推动增长也面临着挑战。这一令人兴奋的开发使用了一种非常低成本的聚合物复合材料来生产一种具有优异低温性能的管道,这使得它在液化天然气市场和许多其他以简化和降低成本为重点的应用领域具有很高的吸引力。我们很高兴与壳牌合作,使液化天然气能够满足快速增长的全球需求。”

工程经理Arjan Maijenburg表示:“为低成本的液化天然气输送开发无码头设施,将为液化天然气进口开辟新的市场。这种复合管道开发是开发这些解决方案的关键步骤。我们期待与世界级热塑性复合材料管供应商马格马合作开发该产品。从带防波堤的码头/栈桥解决方案转向无防波堤的无防波堤系统,并使用海底低温复合管道,可以实现30%的总体成本降低。”

曹海斌 摘译自 油气技术


Shell and Magma sign特殊兵器 agreement to qualify cryogenic flexible for LNG

Magma Global announced it has signed a contract with Shell Global Solutions International bv. to develop and qualify a flexible Single Polymer Composite (SPC) pipe for cryogenic applications of down to -196oC. Magma was selected for its high precision laser manufacturing capability and experience in development and qualification of composite pipe for hydrocarbon service. The cryogenic flexible will suit a number of applications including Shell’s flagship low cost jettyless LNG offloading system.

The pipe will be made from a single polymer composite. Long, unidirectional fibers are combined in a matrix of the same polymer to produce a tape which delivers high strength while maintaining all the benefits of the polymer. The tape is then fused together in layers using lasers within Magma’s precision manufacturing process r轴承机esulting in a continuous long length of spoolable pipe with excellent cryogenic properties.

“LNG is being embraced by energy operators but facilitating the growth has its challenges. This exciting development uses a very low-cost polymer composite to produce a pipe with exceptional cryogenic performance which makes it highly attractive in the LNG market and in many other applications where simplification and cost reduction are the focus. We are delighted to be working with Shell to enable LNG to meet fast-growing global demand," Martin Jones, CEO, Magma Global, said.

“Development of jettyless oncepts for low-cost LNG transfer will open up new markets for LNG import. This composite pipe development is a 宠物安葬key step in enabling these solutions. We look forward to working with Magma, a world-class thermoplastic composite pipe supplier to develop this product. An overall cost reduction of 30% can be achieved by moving away from a jetty/trestle-based solution with breakwater to a jettyless system without breakwater and using subsea cryogenic composite pipelines," Arjan Maijenburg, Engineering Manager, said.
